Program of the course Theoretical Astrophysics (Astrofisica teorica)

(FIS/05, 6 CFU)

 LM in Astronomia e Astrofisica
















NOTES: The main reference book is "Classical Newtonian Gravity" (Unitext for Physics, Springer), referred to as CNG.  See additional readings suggested in the book. In particular, see  J. Binney and S. Tremaine, "Galactic Dynamics", Princeton Univ. Press, 2nd edition, referred to as GD.

                       In round brackets, below, the main references. 



The 4 physical fundamental forces.  Gravity force. Self gravity. Astrophysical relevance of theoretical study of classical gravitation.  Stellar systems: from binaries to clusters of galaxies.  sistemi stellari: dalle stelle binarie agli ammassi di galassie. (notes from lectures).

Elements of vector calculus:

Functions of many variables. Vector formulas. Vector derivatives and integrals. The pseudo- vector operator nabla. Gradient in different coordinate systems.  Motion of particle with dissipation.  The curl operator. Vector fields. Conservative vector fields. Divergence theorem. Stokes theorem (CNG chapter  1; demonstration of divergence and Stokes theorem not requested).


Elements of fluid-dynamics

The continuum hypothesis. Equilibrium of fluids in a spherically symmetric gravitational field. Gravitational collapse: free fall time (CNG, chapter 1, notes from lectures and notes downloadable from the class web site).


Elements of potential theory

Newtonian gravitational interaction. Central force fields. Satellite motion. N-body motion. Regularization of 2-body interaction.

Time and length scales in stellar systems. Physical collisions. Gravitational encounters. Gentle and violent relaxation. Stellar ejection and evaporation. (CNG, chapters 2, 3 and  ex. 4.14 of chapter 4; Appendix A and B of CNG; notes from lectures and notes downloadable from the class web site. See also GD).


















Textbook: All the arguments and themes presented at the lectures are treated in the book "Classical Newtonian Gravity" by R. Capuzzo Dolcetta, Unitext for Physics, Springer Science, Switzerland, acquistabile via Amazono o direttamente presso Springer

The above book contains suggestions to other books useful for a good preparation to the exam.  The teacher is also available to distribute some useful xerocopies of some arguments.

: The final exam has a written part followed (if the written part has been sufficient) by an oral exam few days later.